
His Unmeasured Grace

🙏😄 I almost ran out of gas!! 😄🙏

Published 12 days ago • 3 min read

Why You Don't Want to Run Out of Gas!!

Hello Sweet Reader!

How are you today?? Really, please tell me!!

I am invigorated because it is spring and the sun is shining brilliantly. I had to be to an appointment by 7am this morning (you read that right) and my mind was going over the things I needed to do.

So, I drove by the one and only gas station for the next ten miles!

Once it was waaay tooo late, I saw a big notice on my dash in all caps saying, LOW FUEL!! Ooops!!

I only ran out of gas when I was 23 when I was a rather new driver and recently married. I had to walk 5 miles home on the back country road.

That's not something I want to repeat these days!!

Did I run out of gas? Read on!

Running Low on Jesus!

I was thinking of the comparison between running out of gas is to running out of Jesus.

Although He is always there and will never leave us or forsake us . . . that is Jesus' commitment to us and not ours to Him!

It is MY choice to spend time with Jesus. He doesn't force Himself on me.

I love reading my Bible and Scripture writing and doing journaling art.

But if I neglect my time with Him, it's not like I'll automatically be refreshed and renewed in my mind and spirit.

I'll be honest and authentic with you. I missed my quiet time this morning because I had to be at an appointment by 7am! Does that ever happen to you?

My time with Jesus was listening to calm worship songs as I drove in the car (and prayer-paniced because the gas gauge was just above "E"!!!!

We can spend time with the Lord as we drive in the car but this should never be the norm.

If it is, we'll be running low on Jesus!

We'll run out of gas!

Fueling Up on Jesus!

I was attempting to read through the Bible and made it through three months. Now I am in the busiest time of my year as I prepare to shift gears.

Although it's wonderful to read through the Bible, it's not always possible in all seasons of your life or year.

So as spring (it was 29F this morning) and summer is here, I'll share what I'm doing to inspire and not discourage you in your journey.

I'm continuing through the Bible but NOT at the pace that gets me through in a year.

I'm reading a few verses or ideally a chapter. I'll be copying (Scripture Journaling) one or two (or more) verses as time permits.

Then I'll do some journaling art hopefully five days each week (since I share them over at Jesus Journaling) for you.

I'm taking a more laid-back approach because the next five months are intense (and the best ever if you'd like to know) and I'd have it no other way.

So whatever time you have with Jesus, here is my point. Don't just 'DO' your quiet time to check it off your list.

Actually, experience the presence of Jesus by being intentional that He is with you and will never leave you or forsake you.

Think of it like this: Don't run out of gas!

When you experience Jesus in your Quiet Time, you are fueling up with the Holy Spirit for your day. You are preparing for your day in a similar way as filling up your car with gas.

You do NOT want to run out of Jesus!

Whether you read a chapter or more, Scripture journal, or love to do journaling art, practice the presence of the Holy Spirit so you walk with Jesus in your journey through life.

Did I Run Out of Gas?

I was totally scared as I did NOT trust the gas gauge.

I drove into the gas station and paid $3.89 a gallon and was so thankful I made it (even if the price made me gasp!)

What are gas prices by you? And what is your favorite way to fuel up on Jesus?

Have you seen my YouTube channel? This will calm your anxiety! I'd be so appreciative if you'd follow me!

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His Unmeasured Grace

Inspiring Moms to Embrace Grace

by Judith Kowles |Starter Guide| Bible Reading Plans | Workbooks & Courses Journaling Art | Workouts | Weekly Tips from My House to Yours

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