
His Unmeasured Grace

😍 Can you continue to be Active, Joyful and Mobile as you grow older? 😍

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Active, Joyful, & Mobile?

Hey Reader!

➡️ NO LIVE ESSENTRICS WORKOUTS this week (April 9 & 11)

It's easy to become sedentary in the wintertime. Did you sit on the sofa like a couch potato more than you'd like?

It's been raining all day and the temps are hovering at 32F and it's about to turn to snow! I'd sure love some warm sunshine to warm my body up!

During the summer it's easier to be more active and move more.

Most of us feel more vital and joyful as we get outside for walks, hikes, and water activities.

Do you love the summer?

Aging Gracefully!

Aging does not inherently involve an inevitable decline from vitality to frailty. (Fitness After 40 by Dr Vonda Wright)

Do you give in when it comes to aging and think it's inevitable that you'll have to slow down and not be able to do the things you love anymore?

Of course, no one lives forever and ultimately you might slow down because you live into your 90s.

BUT did you know that many people live active lives into their elder years?

I want to help you change your mindset so you do your best to age with grace.

You are not destined to frailty as you age. There are things that you can do to slow the aging process down.

I want to live for God's glory and be able to do all the things for as long as I can.

When my feet have issues, I become proactive by learning what works, exercising my feet, and buying shoes that work for me.

I'm not about to say, "I have to sit on the sofa all day" because that makes my feet get worse faster!

You can be vital, active, joyful, and mobile in the months or years ahead.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made and capable of consistent mobility more than you might realize. (Psalm 139:14)

Many aspects of aging challenge you to slow down.

You might assume that they are inevitable.

But they probably are not!

Join Me!

Over the winter, as in other winters, I gained about seven pounds.

I want to get them off before summer when barbecues offer temptations to food I don't normally eat. Otherwise, I might keep gaining and gaining.

Dieting and eating less food is not the answer.

If you try to diet (and eat less food) and you're nearing 40 or older, you'll also lose lean muscle mass.

You want to keep your muscles.

If you lose muscle, you'll lose bone density and become frail.

So join me!

This is what I'm doing!

  • I'm eating to STRENGTHEN my body!
  • I WORKOUT each morning for about 30 minutes!
  • I do light WEIGHTS 2 or 3Xs a week!
  • I do an ESEENTRICS workout 3Xs a week!
  • I do a WALKING workout!
  • I go to bed ON TIME!
  • I wake up at the SAME TIME!

I'm trying to get 10,000 steps in each day but since that's kinda hard this time of year, I'm doing a walking workout often. Even doing part of it is helpful and amazing.

What are you doing to add movement in before summer?

Get moving with grace,


I am Currently certified as an ACE Group Fitness Instructor, Essentrics Level 1 Instructor, Flipping50 Menopause Fitness Specialist, CPR & First Aid.




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His Unmeasured Grace

Inspiring Moms to Embrace Grace

by Judith Kowles |Starter Guide| Bible Reading Plans | Workbooks & Courses Journaling Art | Workouts | Weekly Tips from My House to Yours

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